Simulators designed for training in external orthopedic procedures, including diagnosis and treatments of orthopedic injuries. Orthopedic training simulators frequently consist of: (1) a whole (i.e., a manikin) or partial anatomic model such as a head, torso, or an extremity. The anatomic model usually has the external appearance of a human body or body part and includes an internal skeleton where normal and injured conditions (e.g., fractures, dislocations, and luxations) can be simulated and (2) a central electronic unit that may control the simulation of the physical characteristics of the injuries by means of sensors, controls, and motors. The training simulator may also mimic the radiographic images that would be obtained in an actual event. Orthopedic therapy simulators can assess the corrective therapeutic procedures performed during the training, facilitating the training of healthcare personnel with less need for practice on human beings or animal models.