  • Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Kozlowski type is characterised by short stature (short-trunk dwarfism), scoliosis, metaphyseal abnormalities in the femur (prominent in the femoral neck and trochanteric area), coxa vara and generalised platyspondyly. Prevalence is estimated at less than one in one million people. Intelligence is usually normal. The syndrome is caused by a mutation in the TRPV4 gene (12q24.1) and is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner.
  • Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Kozlowski type is characterized by short stature (short-trunk dwarfism), scoliosis, metaphyseal abnormalities in the femur (prominent in the femoral neck and trochanteric area), coxa vara and generalized platyspondyly. Prevalence is estimated at less than one in one million people. Intelligence is usually normal. The syndrome is caused by a mutation in the TRPV4 gene (12q24.1) and is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner.


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