  • Orthoses designed for external modification of the structural and/or functional characteristics of part or the complete lower limb, to provide immobilization and support. These orthoses consist of rigid or semi-rigid malleable metallic (e.g., aluminum, stainless steel) structures (e.g., supports, restraints) that may be used for therapy (static therapy, dynamic therapy, or both), or to improve the limb function (i.e., gait); some orthoses are externally powered. Lower-limb orthoses are intended mainly for treatment of deformities and injuries after trauma. Dedicated prefabricated or custom-made lower-limb orthoses intended for a particular region of the limb (e.g., foot, ankle, leg, knee, thigh, hip), procedure (immobilization, alignment, support, gait stabilization), and/or treatment (e.g., deformity, trauma, arthritis) are also available.


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