  • A class of polyphenols which are biogenetically derived from a phenylpropane (C6-C3 unit) and three C2 units to form a benzopyran with an additional phenyl group at C-2 (C6-C3-C6 unit). They consist of 15 carbons and vary by oxidation/hydroxylation, glycosidation, and other functional groups. Historically, the benzene ring is denoted \'A\'-ring, the pyran ring \'C\' ring, and the phenyl ring \'B\'-ring. The numbering of the phenyl ring starts with 1\' (\'\'one prime\'\') at the carbon that is connected to the pyran ring, and follows along the phenyl ring with C-2\', -3\', -4\', -5\', and -6\'.


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