  • refers to a collection of cell groups surrounding the medial, lateral, and ventral surfaces of the superior cerebellar peduncle of the pons in the pontine tegmentum. In the human they include the medial parabrachial nucleus, the lateral parabrachial nucleus, the diffuse reticular nucleus and the subpeduncular pigmented nucleus ( Paxinos-2012 ). In the macaque ( Paxinos-2009a ), the rat ( Swanson-2004 ), and the mouse ( Franklin-2008 ) they include the same nuclei except that the subpeduncular pigmented nucleus is absent in those species ( Paxinos-2012 ). Functionally the cell groups belong to the viscerosensory nuclei ( Swanson-2004 ). Classically the term parabrachial nuclei referred only to the lateral parabrachial nucleus and the medial parabrachial nucleus ( Jones-2005 ).


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