  • Electroencephalographs (EEGs) designed for recording the variations of the electric potential caused by the electrical activity of the brain, usually detected on the scalp in ambulatory patients. These instruments consist of a main unit using an electronic storage device (tape recorders may be also used) worn by the patient that automatically process the signals and a cable that is connected at the distal tip to a set of electrodes fixed on the scalp in an array of standardized positions. The electrodes and leads transmit the bioelectrical signals to the recorder, usually through micro amplifiers. The recorder is capable of reproducing their characteristics in an amplitude versus time graph (i.e., an electroencephalogram) and may also provide a spectral analysis of the signals. Ambulatory EEGs, known as AEEGs, are mainly used for periods of 24 to 72 hours to confirm the diagnosis of epilepsy, assessment of seizures, and to record other neurological diseases.


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