  • Evoked potential (EP) physiologic recorders designed for detecting, amplifying and recording the brain\'s bioelectric response to visual external stimuli. These recorders typically consist of detachable electrodes usually placed on the scalp (to pick up potentials originated in the cerebral cortex); signal amplifiers; filters (to suppress interference); memory (e.g., electronic, optical/magnetic disc); and a display. Visual EP recorders usually include capabilities to deliver external stimuli (e.g., color reversible checkerboard patterns, flashlights) at an appropriate repetitive level to elicit the bioelectric response needed for recording. Visual EP recorders are mainly used in studies intended to diagnose ophthalmic diseases, usually by measuring the absence, attenuation, or increase in the time response (i.e., latency) of the peak response after the stimulus is applied. Recorders with additional capabilities to perform specialized forms of visual EP responses (i.e., electrooculography and electroretinography) are available; independent recorders intended only for these purposes are also available.


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