  • Tissue ablation radio-frequency (RF) therapy systems designed to ablate the inner mucous membrane (endometrium) of the uterus. These systems consist of an RFgenerator (typical frequency is 27.12 MHz); a large-diameter (e.g., 10 mm) probe catheter to be introduced into the uterus; guards to protect the vagina, especially anteriorly; thermocouples to record temperature; and a neutral electrode that is placed on the body surface (e.g., wrapped around the waist). These devices do not use fluids and do not work under direct hysteroscopic vision, unlike ablation performed using standard electrosurgical units with rollerball or wire loop electrodes mounted on a resectoscope. Endometrial ablation RF therapy systems are used to treat excessive or dysfunctional uterine bleeding (menorrhagia).


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