  • A compound function consisting of the regulated formation of a pore via oligomerisation of an existing pool of subunits in the plasma membrane. The resulting channel activity directly or indirectly allows murein hydrolyases to access their cell wall substrate. [GOC:jh2, PMID:1406491, PMID:25157079]
  • OBSOLETE. (Was not defined before being made obsolete). [GOC:go_curators]
  • OBSOLETE. Primary function of holins appears to be transport of murein hydrolases across the cytoplasmic membrane to the cell wall of bacteria, where these enzymes hydrolyze the cell wall polymer as a prelude to cell lysis. When chromosomally encoded, these enzymes are therefore autolysins. Holins may also facilitate leakage of electrolytes and nutrients from the cell cytoplasm, thereby promoting cell death. Some catalyze export of nucleases. [TC:1.A.38.-.-]


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