  • Operating room automation systems designed to control, manage, and/or operate various devices used in an endoscopic surgery procedure via a common interface. These systems typically consist of a combination of hardware and software that includes a user interface (e.g., touchscreens, voice control) and a networked computerized control system through which information and images can be directed in order to perform frequently used functions (e.g., issuing commands, routing data and video), to operate endoscopic surgical and ancillary devices (e.g., endoscopic electrosurgical units for cutting and coagulation, lights, instruments), and to provide equipment information, including insufflation pressure, reference images, and error messages with appropriate corrective actions. Endoscopic operating room automation systems are intended to improve the ergonomics, safety, and efficiency of endoscopic surgical procedures; they may operate exclusively with devices in the operating room (i.e., stand-alone systems) or may communicate with information and image systems outside the operating room (e.g., hospital and/or radiology information systems).


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