  • Capnometers designed for measuring the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in an exhaled breath. They usually measure PCO2 either by using a sensor in the patient breathing circuit (mainstream) or by sampling from the patient\'s airway (sidestream). The sensor usually consists of an infrared light source, an optical filter, reference and sample chambers, and a detector. Most capnometers display the results as a maximum value of PCO2 (i.e., CO2 concentration measured at the end of exhalation, known as end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration or ETCO2). Capnometers are used to check the correct placement of endotracheal tubes, to assess the pulmonary function or the adequacy of perfusion during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and in diagnostics and checking the status of critically ill patients; they can also detect ventilator failure.


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