A material produced by or resulting from a process. EXAMPLE(S): animal and human drugs; therapeutic biologics; allergenics; cell, tissue and gene therapy products; blood components; blood derivative products; devices; animal (pets and livestock) and human food/feed (medicated and un-medicated); cosmetics; pet treats; dietary supplements [examples from FDA\'s list of regulated products] Therapeutic devices, software programs, diagnostic or storage equipment, pill bottle, tube rack Natural or Synthesized DNA The HeLa cell line, the HEK-293 cell line OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S): The term Product as a class name in BRIDG is not intended to imply commercial products only, but rather any material that is produced by a process. This includes biologics collected for testing, transplant or replication, as well as tissue that is banked.
Specifies the link between a processor and a product produced by that processor. EXAMPLE(S): OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S):