  • Oncology data management information systems designed to record, process, and display clinical and administrative information related to radiotherapy treatment delivery, simulation, and planning, providing quality control and recording during the procedures. These systems typically consist of computerized workstations with appropriate software connected to radiotherapy delivery systems (e.g., linear accelerators) and/or radiotherapy simulation systems; the treatment planning system workstations usually include a computer, high-resolution color monitors, and a printer. The systems also include dedicated workstations for administrative and data management functions (e.g., patient registration, tracking, billing, summary reports). Radiotherapy information systems can be used to verify treatment setup parameters prior to treatment, record treatment delivery, and manage patient and treatment data; the systems include warnings and override features to prevent errors in treatment delivery. The software for the station includes capabilities such as automated capture of simulated treatment fields, recall of patient treatment simulations, and review of port films and data on accumulated patient radiation dose. Radiotherapy information systems are used mainly to manage and document treatment of cancer and related diseases; they may function as stand-alone systems or may be integrated into an oncology data management system network.


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