  • Molecular assay analyzers designed for data acquisition, display, and analysis from either wet or dry slide microarrays typically based on a glass or silicon substrate or less frequently on nylon membranes, mirrored slides, and/or cover slips. These analyzers typically include a microarray scanner (i.e., reader/digitizer), a dedicated configured computer including display, printing and recording capabilities, and appropriate software to process the information. Microarray analyzers are used to process information and provide useful results (e.g., for characterization, diagnostic, and/or treatment) from microarrays that include spotted molecular samples of cDNA, oligonucleotide, protein, and/or tissues. They are used to characterize the expression of many genes in a single experiment, permitting the genetic characterization of human nucleic acids and their variations due to inherited or acquired diseases (e.g., tumor cells). Microarray analyzers can also assess the partial or total genomic characteristics of pathologic microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, virus, fungus).


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