  • The three major principles of physiologic motion are: I. When the thoracic and lumbar spine is in a neutral position (Fig. 14) (easy normal), the coupled motions of sidebending and rotation for a group of vertebrae are such that sidebending and rotation occur in opposite directions (with rotation occurring toward the convexity). II. When the thoracic and lumbar spine is sufficiently forward or backward bent (non-neutral), the coupled motions of sidebending and rotation in a single vertebral unit occur in the same direction. III. Initiating motion of a vertebral segment in any plane of motion will modify the movement of that segment in other planes of motion. 2. Principles I and II of thoracic and lumbar spinal motion described by Harrison H. Fryette, DO (1918), Principle III was described by C.R. Nelson, DO (1948).


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