  • Bone awls designed for piercing the slightly thickened layer of bone that underlies and supports the articular cartilage at the end of long bones (i.e., the subchondral bone) for the purpose of producing microfractures to promote cartilage regeneration. The area of cartilage damage is debrided, and the awl is used to produce holes (e.g., every 4 to 5 mm to a depth of 3 to 4 mm) in the bone at the base of a cartilage defect, causing formation of a superclot. This procedure is a one-stage arthroscopic surgery that is intended for smaller and localized chondral defects in the knee. Subchondral bone awls are available with different shaft calibers and curvatures at their working end (e.g., 30, 45, or 90 degrees); they are also used to mark intended drill sites during anterior and/or posterior cruciate ligament procedures.


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