  • Blood bank cryogenic freezers designed to store blood bank products and samples using liquid nitrogen as the cooling and storage agent. Liquid nitrogen storage provides a temperature of -180 degrees Celsius (-292 degrees Fahrenheit) or colder with minimal temperature fluctuations. These freezers typically consist of a chamber with two vessels separated by a vacuum space (the inner vessel for the cryogenic fluid and the outer vessel intended to insulate the cryogenic liquid from the environment); automatic level and cryogenic temperature controls; an external container to replenish the cryogenic fluid; a pressure-relief device; and a pressure-controlling valve. Red blood cells (RBCs) and/or other blood bank products are immersed in liquid nitrogen using appropriate sealed containers, but the use of large volumes (depth) of liquid nitrogen and sealed glass create potential hazards: cross-contamination by virus pathogens via the liquid nitrogen medium has occurred. RBCs preserved with a cryoprotective agent such as glycerol at 40 percent or dimethyl sulfoxide may be preserved for long periods, typically up to 10 years. Cryogenic blood bank freezers are mainly used to store rare types of RBCs for long periods of time.


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