  • Information systems designed to record, process, and display clinical and administrative information related to the records (both data and images) of the treatment of cancer patients. These systems typically consist of hardware, including computerized workstations and peripheral devices such as high-capacity storage devices and printers that may be connected as a local area network (LAN), and software packages (e.g., radiology, surgery, chemotherapy). Oncology data management systems can be used for patient registration, result reporting, film library management, order entry, patient tracking, patient scheduling, and administrative tasks such as billing and accounting procedures; they permit the review of treatment history, test results, and previous reports. Oncology data management information systems typically integrate data from surgical, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy treatments and/or procedures; dedicated systems intended to manage only radiotherapy information are available. The systems may function as stand-alone systems or may be integrated in a hospitalwide data management information system network.


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