  • Lactic acidosis is a form of high anion gap metabolic acidosis - Intrinsic cardiac contractility may be depressed, but inotropic function can be normal because of catecholamine release- Peripheral arterial vasodilatation and central vasoconstriction can be present - Central nervous system function is depressed, with headache, lethargy, stupor, and, in some cases, even coma - Glucose intolerance may occur - Characterized by an increase in plasma L-lactate - Acidosis is seldom significant unless blood lactate exceeds 5 mmol/l - Clinical presentation in type B lactic acidosis: o Symptoms: hyperventilation or dyspnea, stupor or coma, vomiting, drowsiness, and abdominal pain o Onset of symptoms and signs is usually rapid accompanied by deterioration in the level of consciousness.


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