  • A seizure is a paroxysmal event due to abnormal, excessive, hypersynchronous discharges from an aggregate of central nervous system (CNS) neurons. Manifestations range from dramatic convulsive activity to experiential phenomena not readily discernible by an observer. Epilepsy should be distinguished from seizure. Epilepsy is a condition with recurrent seizures due to a chronic, underlying process. Epilepsy is not a single disease entity and there are various epilepsy syndromes. Convulsions are the motor component of cerebral seizures. Convulsions are characterized by contractions of skeletal muscles, appearing abruptly and involuntarily. These contractions may be tonic or clonic and they may be focal or generalized. International Classification of Epileptic Seizures (1981): 1. Partial seizures a. Simple partial seizures (with motor, sensory, autonomic, or psychic signs) b. Complex partial seizures c. Partial seizures with secondary generalization 2. Primarily generalized seizures a. Absence (petit mal) b. Tonic clonic (grand mal) c. Tonic d. Atonic e. Myoclonic 3. Unclassified seizures a. Neonatal seizure b. Infantile spasms


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