  • Units designed for the disposal of liquid waste, including contaminated or potentially infectious liquid or semiliquid blood and/or other body fluids, from a waste collection container (e.g., canister) into the sewage system. Some units have the capability to wash and/or disinfect the waste collection container. Liquid waste-disposal units are used in healthcare facilities for liquid waste management and are intended to allow disposal of liquid waste with minimal potential for staff exposure. Several waste-disposal unit types exist that differ depending on the method by which liquid waste is collected and transported to the waste-disposal unit. One type of unit is intended to evacuate and dispose of liquid waste from aspirator collection canisters. Canisters are removed from the operating room collection apparatus and manually transported to the location of the waste-disposal unit. These disposal units typically work with specific waste-disposal unit-compatible canisters (frequently supplied by the disposal unit manufacturer); however, some disposal units are able to be used with any canister design. A second type of unit integrates the collection and disposal functions in a single unit and is typically installed in the operating room itself. Lastly, a third type of unit functions as one component of a liquid waste management system. These units are designed to dispose of liquid waste from dedicated mobile collection units, which are typically cart-based units that include one or more integrated collection canisters.


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