  • Wrist prostheses operated by myoelectric power and designed for partial functional (e.g., rotation, flexion) replacement of the wrist above the wrist articulation. These prostheses typically consist of external devices with a metal ring-shaped mechanism that can provide rotational and flexion movements and locking positions at the distal end to a terminal device (e.g., hand, hook); they may include totally or partially implantable components (e.g., sensors, electrodes). The prostheses can be attached at the proximal end with a socket to the residual limb or to another prosthetic device (i.e., forearm replacement). Myoelectric controlled wrist prostheses typically incorporate small electrical motors and electrodes within the socket to pick up bioelectrical signals that trigger wrist operation as the muscles in the residual limb contract. They are typically used as a component of a below-the-elbow, above-the-elbow, or total upper limb prosthesis in patients who have congenital abnormalities or who suffered amputations due to illness (e.g., diabetes) or traumatic accidents.


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