  • Electromagnetic stimulators designed to apply low flux density (in the order of microtesla) pulsed signals to the brain and/or spinal cord below the nerve stimulation threshold, usually at a frequency below 1,000 Hz. These devices typically consist of a stationary or portable electrically powered (e.g., battery) generator, transducers to be placed near the treatment area (e.g., a headset with coils placed above the ears at both sides of the head), and a wireless system or cable to deliver the signals from the generator to the transducer. The device may also include a handheld programmer to introduce therapeutic treatment parameters for a given patient. Brain/spinal cord electromagnetic stimulators, using a variety of different waveforms, are intended for use in healthcare facilities or at home to help in the treatment of pain (i.e., analgesic), anxiety, and/or depression.


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