An activity that is intended to occur or start at some point in the context of a particular study or experiment. EXAMPLE(S): Pregnancy tests are planned for study subjects who are females of childbearing potential. OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S): A PlannedActivity may be a container of other activities and have a complex structure involving components, options and contingencies using the associated relationship classes. This structure allows the representation of concepts in previous versions of BRIDG such as StudyCells, StudySegments and StudySubjectEncounters. A PlannedActivity could also be thought of as an activity at a particular stage in the business process in which the activities occur, i.e., in the \'planned\' stage rather than the \'scheduled\' stage or the \'performed\' stage. An instance of a PlannedActivity is not assigned to a particular Subject, StudySubject, or ExperimentalUnit, but to a \'kind of\' Subject, StudySubject, or ExperimentalUnit.