  • Computerized network devices designed for the dynamic forwarding of information (data) packets to their destination. These devices are typically an electronic unit with a routing table (i.e., a database) that can optimize protocol efficiency and separate information for different subnetworks; routers can identify higher layer information within the packets than network bridges that only interpret node addresses. Routers use specific protocols to communicate with each other and configure the best route between any two hosts. The routers periodically exchange information to update the routing tables to facilitate forwarding the packets that they receive. Routers are used mainly in healthcare facilities to forward information inside subnetworks of a local area network (LAN), between LANs, or between a LAN and a wide area network (WAN); they may provide firewall protection (i.e., filter out packets that do not contain the expected session and sequence numbers). Network routers are usually specific for use in a particular network model and/or with equipment from a specific manufacturer; dedicated routers are available both for hardwired and wireless networks.


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