  • Exercisers designed to facilitate the physical exertion of body muscles by the voluntary contraction and relaxation of large muscle groups (i.e., active exercisers), which are intended primarily for making users breathe more deeply and their hearts work harder; activities in aerobic exercises can be usually maintained continuously and are rhythmic in nature. These exercisers are usually intended to improve cardiovascular endurance by keeping the heart and pulmonary rate elevated for a continuous period of time. Aerobic exercisers, as all exercisers, may also improve muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance in specific parts of the body (e.g., upper and/or lower). Dedicated aerobic exercisers are available for walking and jogging (e.g., treadmills), cycling (e.g., stationary bicycles), and other activities such as rowing, elliptical motion, or bouncing.


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