  • Stage IIIC includes: (T1-4b, N1b, M0); (T1-4b, N2b, M0); (T1-4b, N2c, M0); (Any T, N3, M0). T1-4b: Ulcerated cutaneous melanoma of any thickness. N1b: Cutaneous melanoma with macrometastasis in one regional lymph node. N2b: Cutaneous melanoma with macrometastases in 2-3 regional lymph nodes. N2c: Cutaneous melanoma with intralymphatic metastases (in transit or satellite metastases) without metastatic nodes. N3: Cutaneous melanoma with 4 or more metastatic nodes, or matted nodes, or in transit met(s)/satellite(s) with metastatic node(s). M0: No detectable evidence of distant metastases. (from AJCC 7th Ed.)


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