  • A formula to estimate creatinine clearance that takes into account sex, age, weight, and serum creatinine (SCr). CCr=(140 - Age) x Wgt (Kg) / 72xCrt (mg/dL) x 1 (if M) or 0.85 (if F), for conventional units. CCr=(140 - Age) x Wgt (Kg) / 72xCrt (MCMOL/L) x 88.4 x 1 (if M) or 0.85 (if F) [If Wgt is in lbs; Wgt (Kg) = Wgt (lbs) x 0.45], for SI units. (Cockcroft, D.W. and M.H. Gault. Prediction of creatinine clearance from serum creatinine. Nephron. 1976. 16(1):31-41.)


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