  • Physiologic monitors designed primarily for automated continuous measuring and display in real time of respiratory parameters, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in exhaled breath, and the oxygen saturation in the blood (SpO2). These monitors typically consist of portable (may be handheld) electronic units that facilitate movement from one location to other; the monitor may be connected to the line and/or powered by internal batteries. The main unit includes controls and a display; it also includes appropriate attached probes and sensors that make possible sequential and/or simultaneous measurements of the parameters. Carbon dioxide is usually measured using main- or side-stream sensors and SpO2 is determined using standard pulse oximetry sensors; other sensors to determine respiration rate are also included. Respiration/carbon dioxide/pulse oximetry physiologic monitors are intended mainly for continuous automated measuring of the parameters; some devices can show the results of carbon dioxide measurement in the form of a graphic (capnogram). The monitors can be used also for continuous measuring as bedside monitors or for monitoring during patient transport.


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