  • Cone-beam computed tomography (CT) scanning systems designed for neck and/or head imaging, including dental applications. These systems typically consist of: 1) an x-ray subsystem that utilizes a cone beam (i.e., a beam which radiates from the x-ray source in a cone shape) which encompasses a large volume with a single rotation about the patient\'s head and/or neck thus applying a relatively low dose of radiation; 2) a flat 2-D planar detector rather than a curve-shaped detector; 3) image display monitors; 4) a data storage unit; and 5) a computerized subsystem for image processing that is capable of producing high-resolution tri-dimensional (3-D) images reconstructed using dedicated software (algorithms). Head/neck CT scanning systems are typically used with the patient sitting on a dedicated chair which includes attachments (e.g., chin supports) to restraint head movements. Some systems combine conventional panoramic dental imaging in the same unit. The systems are used to obtain images for maxillo-facial, oral, and head surgery; they are also used in dental office procedures (e.g., prior to dental implants and/or oral surgery) to permit simultaneous scanning of the maxilla and mandible.


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