  • A coded value specifying the phase in the lifecycle of the study subject. EXAMPLE(S): candidate, eligible, follow-up, ineligible, not registered, off-study, on-study, pending on-study, potential candidate, screening, withdrawn OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S): Please refer to the Study Subject Status state transition diagram for further details. If in CDISC\'s SDTM DM.ACTARMCD = \'NOTRT\' (meaning \'Not Treated\'), this is a subject who passed eligibility, was assigned a treatment but never started, e.g. withdrew before treatment started, etc., so a PerformedExperimentalUnitAllocation exists for this subject. If in CDISC\'s SDTM DM.ACTARMCD = \'NOTASSGN\' (meaning \'Not Assigned\'), this is a case where DMARM = DMACTARM, meaning after eligibility was determined, the subject may be left over/unneeded, or withdraws, or doesn\'t pass further eligibility criteria, or is in a wait period between eligibility/intake and assignment - all are possible statusCode values. And all those values could be fine grained statuses in a BRIDG-based system that each roll up into \'NOT ASSIGNED\' to be reported in SDTM data sets. In this case PerformedExperimentalUnitAllocation doesn\'t exist.


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