  • Nuclear medicine study software designed to acquire, process, and archive data and images obtained from nuclear medicine studies. These studies are performed on patients during and after practicing stress exercises (or after the administration of drugs such as dipyridamole for patients not capable of exercising) with radioactive thallium injected in the bloodstream. This software usually interacts with devices used in the procedures, such as scanning gamma cameras and nuclear medicine workstations. Thallium stress exercise nuclear medicine study software is intended to work only with one or a few models of nuclear medicine equipment and related devices, usually supplied by the same manufacturer. This also facilitates the processing and/or sending of data to nuclear medicine workstations to and from other hospital information systems. Thallium-based nuclear medicine studies are used to diagnose the presence of coronary artery disease by assessing the Thallium absorbed by the heart walls. The software may or may not be available separate from the nuclear medicine equipment and may be updated and/or upgraded (i.e., through the release of modified versions) during the life of the equipment. Dedicated software for Thallium studies performed using planar and/or single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images are also available.


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