  • Description:Code specifying the level within a hierarchical Act composition structure and the kind of contextual information attached to composite Acts (\'containers\') and propagated to component Acts within those containers. The levelCode signifies the position within such a containment hierarchy and the applicable constraints.Examples:The \'extract level\' and the \'folder level\' must contain data about a single individual, whereas the \'multiple subject level\' may contain data about multiple individuals. While \'extract\' can originate from multiple sources, a \'folder\' should originate from a single source. The \'composition\' level usually has a single author.Constraints:The constraints applicable to a particular level may include differing requirements for participations (e.g. patient, source organization, author or other signatory), relationships to or inclusion of other Acts, documents or use of templates. The constraints pertaining to a level may also specify the permissible levels that may be contained as components of that level. Several nested levels with the same levelCode may be permitted, prohibited (or limited). Instance of the next subordinate level are usually permitted within any level but some levels may be omitted from a model and it may be permissible to skip several layers.Discussion:The levelCode concepts have been defined to meet specific health record transfer requirements. While these concepts are known to be applicable to some other types of transactions, they are not intended to a be a complete closed list. Options exist for other sets of orthogonal levels where required to meet a business purpose (e.g. a multiple patient communication may be subdivided by a super-ordinate level of subject areas).


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