  • refers to a variably defined composite substructure of the endbrain. According to T.R. Anthoney, who compared uses of the term in 23 different sources, the limbic lobe, or Gyrus fornicatus, is defined variously even by authors who cite Broca as their original source. Most definitions include the cingulate gyrus, the parahippocampal gyrus and parts or all of the archicortex, the three structures that comprise the limbic lobe in NeuroNames. The major differences in definition have to do with whether the CA fields, supracallosal gyrus, paraterminal gyrus and olfactory structures, such as the olfactory bulb, olfactory tract and olfactory tubercle are included. A discussion of the many definitions, including Broca\'s, is presented in Anthoney-1994.


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