  • refers to one of two subdivisions of the endopiriform claustrum as defined by Nissl stain in the macaque ( Paxinos-2009a ), the rat ( Swanson-2004 ) and the mouse ( Hof-2000 ). The other is the ventral endopiriform claustrum. In rodents both are located between the external capsule medially and the piriform area ventrolaterally. In the rodent the dorsal endopiriform claustrum is clearly located superior to the ventral endopiriform claustrum. The temporal lobe of the macaque, which corresponds to the ventrolateral cortical area of the rodent, is a much expanded, medially rotated structure where the location of the ventral part of the endopiriform claustrum is medial and superior to the dorsal part ( Paxinos-2009a ). In the human the endopiriform claustrum is not divided into dorsal and ventral parts ( Yilmazer-Hanke-2012 ). Functionally it belongs to the cortical subplate nuclei ( Swanson-2004 ).


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