  • refers to the pulvinar as defined on the basis of cyto-myeloarchitecture in the rhesus macaque ( Olszewski-1952 ). It consists of four subdivisions, the inferior pulvinar nucleus, lateral pulvinar nucleus, medial pulvinar nucleus and anterior pulvinar nucleus. The internal architecture of the pulvinar \'\'shows considerable uniformity thus it is subdivided on a topographical basis. \'\'The basic element... is a lightly-stained cell, medium-sized, multipolar, and plump.\',NEU C3499030,\'refers to the lateral pulvinar nucleus as defined on the basis of cyto-myeloarchitecture in the rhesus macaque ( Olszewski-1952 ). It is one of four subdivisions of the pulvinar. The others are the inferior pulvinar nucleus, the medial pulvinar nucleus and the anterior pulvinar nucleus.


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