  • refers to one of two sectors of the rostral part of ventral premotor cortex in the precentral gyrus; it is defined on the basis of internal structure, connectivity and function in the macaque ( Matelli-2004 ). The other is area F5ab. Area F5c is located in the convexity of the precentral gyrus immediately adjacent to the inferior ramus of the arcuate sulcus and is considered the macaque equivalent of Broca\'s area in the human. The predominant input to area F5c is from area PT of the parietal lobe. It\'s involvement in motor acts is similar to that of area F5ab. It\'s visual function, however, is quite different. During observation of another animal performing an act, such as grasping an object, the same cells are activated as when the animal itself performs the act, the \'mirror neuron\' phenomenon. Unlike cells in F5ab, cells in F5c do not respond during observation of the object alone.


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