  • Pathology slide computer-aided detection system software designed to operate detection systems designed for automated in-vitro detection, identification, and pre-classification of blood cells in peripheral blood and/or other body fluid samples placed on slides and control/monitor a limited number of their functions. The software performs a variety of algorithms to facilitate the analysis of the slides, providing automated location and identification of red blood cells (RBC) and white blood cells (WBC) and pre-classification of RBCs according to their morphology and WBCs according to their different types. The software also provides an overview image of the platelets and identifies areas of interest in the slides for pathology review; it also facilitates sending/receiving patient information from and to the local information system. Blood cell classification computer-aided detection system software facilitates a uniform processing of hematology smears and/or blood cells and other body fluids (e.g., cerebrospinal fluid) by laboratory technicians.


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