  • A standardized survey originally developed in the late 1980s and subsequently copyrighted by Robert M Bennett and Ronald Friend and published in the Arthritis Research and Therapy journal (Bennett RM, Friend R, Jones KD, Ward R, Han BK, and Ross RL. The Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR): validation and psychometric properties. Arthritis Research and Therapy 2009, 11:R120) which is used to evaluate an individual\'s fibromyalgia symptoms and the extent they interfere with daily living. This instrument is a self-administered questionnaire with 3 sections with a total of 21 items pertaining to the difficulty of performing an activity, the overall impact of fibromyalgia, and the intensity of common fibromyalgia symptoms all within the past 7 days. Each item is ranked on a scale from 0-10.


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