Auditory stimulators designed to apply mechanical (i.e., vibratory) stimuli containing sound information to the middle ear structures. These devices consist of a fully implantable device which includes a processor that obtains the sound signal, transduces it into electrical signals and, after processing the signal, turns it back into vibrations that are delivered to the middle ear ossicles. Two types of vibratory stimulators are available: (1) Stimulators that pick the natural vibrations of the incus (i.e., without any microphone) resulting from external sound and reintroduce them after processing on the stapes while surgically disarticulating the natural chain of sound transmission in the ossicles; and (2) stimulators that include a microphone that is implanted close to the skin to pick up the external sounds and convert them into electrical signals; after processing the electrical signals they are turned back into vibrations which are delivered to the ossicles. Middle-ear auditory mechanical stimulators are intended for patients suffering from a moderate to severe deafness (typically 40 to 90 dB hearing loss).