Hand orthoses designed to stabilize and support the hand during therapeutic treatments and/or while performing normal daily activities, permitting the movement of the fingers and thumb. They are also used to help prevent hand deformities. These orthoses typically consist of a device that is placed encircling the distal segment of the forearm and is attached to a rigid component used to support the hand in an appropriate, functional position. Static therapy wrist-hand orthoses are used mainly in patients with severe weakness or complete paralysis of the hand muscles but having strong wrist extensors, including some quadriplegics, preventing hand deformities. Several attachments (e.g., clips, clamps, extension devices) to these orthoses permit the performance of functional activities such as writing and page turning. Also available are dedicated custom-made hand orthoses intended to keep the thumb in opposition (using thumb adduction stops). They are used in the treatment of arthritic or burned patients. Dorsal orthoses intended to prevent metacarpo-phalangeal hyperextension are also available.