Diode lasers designed for thermal liquefaction of a small region (i.e., drilling a small hole) on the non-cellular layer covering the oocyte (i.e., zona pellucida [ZP]), providing access to the embryo. These systems consist of a pulsed infrared laser (typically with a power of 300 mW at a wavelength in the range of 1450 to 1480 nm) and a visible light laser used for alignment of the drilling beam. The system is usually attached to the turret of an inverted light microscope. An associated camera and appropriate software intended for use in the procedure are also available. Assisted-reproduction diode lasers are intended to enhance the ability of the embryo to escape the surrounding ZP and implant into the uterus (a process known as laser-assisted hatching). A biopsy process (known as laser-assisted biopsy) where the laser beam penetrates (i.e., drills) completely the entire thickness of the ZP is also possible to facilitate removal of cells from an embryo during genetic diagnosis.