Prepackaged collections of the necessary devices and supplies (either custom or standard) designed to decontaminate the skin and/or personal gear either by physical removal and a sorbent technology using non-plastic kaolin. Items in these kits typically include a sealed plastic bag containing several (e.g., four) pads filled with non-plastic kaolin and an aluminum-magnesium silicate (known as Fuller\'s earth); some kits also include a dispenser with additional kaolin. Decontamination is accomplished by rubbing the contaminated skin or gear (e.g., mask, boots); the user should wear gloves during the decontamination procedure and properly dispose the contaminated pads. The kits may be supplied in supporting trays (i.e., procedure trays) consisting of a flat-bottomed receptacle with a border around the periphery supporting all the instruments and supplies needed for the procedure; the trays are usually covered or wrapped. Non-plastic kaolin skin/personal gear decontamination kits and trays are usually intended for decontamination below hazardous levels for the individual from chemical (either warfare or toxic industrial) agents and radiation contaminated materials, and less frequently from biological agents. The kits are mainly used by civil rescuers, firefighters, and military personnel.