Prepackaged collections of the necessary devices and supplies (either custom or standard) designed to decontaminate personal gear (e.g., garments, personal protection devices) by destruction, reduction, or neutralization of chemical agents, toxic industrial materials, and/or radioactive materials; they are also effective for decontamination from biological agents. Items in these kits typically include a set (usually four) of wipe-down mitts enclosed in separated protective packets. Each mitt is impregnated with a reactive and absorbent black resin. The resin is usually a mixture of a carbonaceous adsorbent, a polystyrene polymeric compound, and an ion-exchange resin. The kits may be supplied in supporting trays (i.e., procedure trays) consisting of a flat-bottomed receptacle with a border around the periphery supporting all the instruments and supplies needed for the procedure; the trays are usually covered or wrapped. The decontamination is accomplished by opening the packet and scrubbing the contaminated device with the impregnated mitt; the contaminant agent is then absorbed by the resin and the mitt. Personal gear decontamination removal/neutralization resin kits and trays are mainly used by civil rescuers, firefighters, and military personnel.