  • Prepackaged collections of the necessary devices and supplies (either custom or standard) designed to decontaminate the skin and/or personal gear either by physical removal, chemical decontamination, or a combination of both. Items in these kits typically include a ready-to-use and properly sealed decontamination agent and a set of applicators (e.g., pads, mitts) that permit quick and easy preliminary self-decontamination. The kits may be supplied in supporting trays (i.e., procedure trays) consisting of a flat-bottomed receptacle with a border around the periphery supporting all the instruments and supplies needed for the procedure; the trays are usually covered or wrapped. Decontamination kits and trays are mainly used by civil rescuers, firefighters, and military personnel; they are intended for decontamination from chemical (either warfare or toxic industrial) agents and radiation contaminated materials, and less frequently from biological agents.


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