  • Immunoassay reagents intended to perform qualitative and/or quantitative analyses on a body fluid sample (e.g., serum, plasma) to determine doxepin and/or its metabolites. Doxepin is an tertiary tricyclic amine drug administered orally as doxepin hydrochloride. It has therapeutic use as an antidepressant and topically as an antipruritic agent. The action of doxepin is highly conditioned to the production of active metabolites, including secondary tricyclic amines with antidepressant activity, such as nordoxepin, and other metabolites such as E- and Z-N-desmethyldoxepin (desDOX); these metabolites must be measured too. Reagents used to determine antidepressant concentration in blood differentiate therapeutic levels (typically very low) from toxic levels due to overdose.


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