  • Immunoassay reagents intended to perform qualitative and/or quantitative analyses on a body fluid sample (typically serum or urine) to determine a group (at least five) of proteolytic enzyme precursors with similar immunologic characteristics classified as group I pepsinogens. Group I pepsinogens are only found in the chief and mucous neck cells of the oxyntic glands. Increased levels of pepsinogen group I are found in diseases associated with increased gastric output and related increased parietal mass, as well as in gastrinomas, duodenal ulcers, and superficial gastritis. Decreased levels are associated with decreased chief cell mass, gastric carcinoma, atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, and Addison\'s disease. Only group I pepsinogens can be found in urine (i.e., uropepsinogen)


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