  • Prepackaged collections of the devices and supplies (either custom or standard) needed for collecting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the subarachnoid space and frequently also for measuring cerebrospinal fluid pressure. Items in these kits usually include anesthetics (e.g., lidocaine), syringes, a spinal needle with metal hub, a three-way stopcock, an extension tube; kits may also include a two-piece manometer, an infiltration needle, sponge sticks, gauze pads, a fenestrated drape with adhesive strip, and puncture site bandages. The kits are frequently supplied in supporting trays (i.e., procedure trays) consisting of a flat-bottomed receptacle with a border around the periphery supporting all the instruments and supplies needed for the procedure; the trays are usually covered or wrapped. Lumbar puncture procedure kits and trays are intended for use during diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes performed in doctors\' offices, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities.


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