  • Prepackaged collections of the devices and supplies (i.e., either custom or standard kits) needed for delivering nutrients, fluids and/or medicines through a tube into the upper gastrointestinal tract for patients that are not able to swallow (i.e., enteral feeding). Items in these kits may include a feeding tube and connector, a reservoir bag to hold the enteral feeding preparation, and a label. The feeding tube is attached to a nasogastric tube (i.e., a tube inserted into the stomach through the nares) or to a gastric tube (i.e., a tube inserted through an incision into the stomach or small intestine). The kits are frequently supplied in supporting trays (i.e., procedure trays) consisting of a flat-bottomed receptacle with a border around the periphery supporting all the instruments and supplies needed for the procedure; the trays are usually covered or wrapped. Enteral feeding procedure kits and trays are intended to administer food and/or drink when a condition makes it difficult, unsafe, or impossible to feed otherwise. They are used in hospitals, homes, nurseries, and other healthcare facilities.


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