  • Water purification systems designed for filtration, carbon adsorption, and removal of charged particles (i.e., deionization) from the water. These systems typically consist of several containers intended to perform some or all of the following sequence of operations; (1) filtering to eliminate large particulates; (2) addition of a softener to eliminate calcium and magnesium; (3) elimination of low-molecular weight organic materials using a carbon bed; (4) deionization using both cationic and anionic resins. Filtering/deionization water purification systems when used alone do not eliminate or kill microorganisms; they are intended to provide soft \'treated\' water (i.e., a low content of metals such as calcium and magnesium) for use in healthcare facilities in areas such as clinical laboratories, pharmacies, and/or for clinical procedures (e.g., hemodialysis); the systems are also used in healthcare facilities and at home for purposes different from medical use.


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